Bullseye League (22lr target pistols) is every Monday starting at 6:00 pm during the winter months.
Precisely fun.
This is a laid back group outing of precise pistol shooting fun that welcomes all levels of shooters.
We close down the pistol range at 6pm for just league shooters.
Arrive a little early for instruction and rules. First timers are free to shoot.
Fun way to improve your precision in handgun gun shooting, and meet truly generous, and skilled shooters.
Its a .22 Rimfire pistol League
Range Dedicated to Rimfire Only (No Centerfire Allowed).
Any Pistol, Scope and 22 Rimfire Ammo Allowed.
Shoots Every Monday evening During the Winter Months starting at 6:00 until 8:00.
COST: $30 for 4 Weeks
Come and shoot with us!